elio leonardo carchidi

elio leonardo carchidi

Telefono: 0642016461
Sito web:

Photographer since the '80, qualifying at the best schools in Italy.
A highly respected photo retoucher, he has worked and continues to work with some of the best and famous Italian and international photographers.
Many famous actors and well known people have enjoyed his virtual liftings!
A top expert in digital image elaboration he has worked with photoshop since it first appeared.
Proud to be the owner of one of the first apple macs in Italy! He effortlessly programmes scripts in perl and php (his favourite hobby).
He is consultant to a long list of important clients (Api, IP, British American Tobacco, Tim, Schwarzkopf, L'Oreal, Pfizer, Lundbeck, etc.) He lives in Rome with his wife and his child Valerio. He works in Rome and over the world.


Fotografie elio leonardo carchidi

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