pasquale bonarrigo

pasquale bonarrigo

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Bacheca di pasquale bonarrigo

Post di Pasquale Bonarrigo del 30 Mar

Centro Polifunzionale e Museo del Mare

Museum of the Mediterranean by Zaha Hadid Architects | Dexigner Comments

Regium Waterfront. . .

Takes shape, the new large museum "Mediterranean" on the promenade of Reggio Calabria, whose geometry reflects, takes the form of a starfish, delivering a significant work to the city and very important, a real resource that may be. . . represent the new cultural capital of the Mediterranean basin.

New Link:

Post di Pasquale Bonarrigo del 30 Mar

World of modern contemporary architecture.

Modern Architecture & Design news. World of modern contemporary architecture and design news & architectural competitions. The Modern movement began in the 1920s when a small group of young architects felt all that had gone before should be rejected and that architectural design should start afresh. This fresh start, they declared, should be based on modern technology and a new, modern approach to life. Their innovations became the 20th century's dominant movement in architecture, crystallizing into the international style of the 1920s and '30s.

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